Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chapters 3 and 4

Quotes of choice:

1) "Barbara Kingsolver (1997) reminds us that the very least we ought to expect of ourselves is that we figure out what we hope for in this life. The most we can do, she continues, is to make sure we live inside our hopes, rather than admiring them from a distance. Perhaps those teachers who are successful in forming bonds with students remember the dreams of the novice teacher clearly enough that they inhabit those dreams daily. The way we "do school" often makes it easy to forget why teaching once seemed the best job in the world and makes it easy to lose sight of what we once hoped for." (pg. 25)

I like this quote because it puts things into perspective. I've talked to a few teachers that just simply aren't motivated anymore and constantly wonder why they picked their professioin. I think it could be easy, as a teacher, to get overwhelmed by all of the little things. But if teachers focus on why they wanted to teach and making bonds with students so that they can make a difference in their lives, the teachers will never tire of their jobs and will always think that it is the best job in the world.

2. "Reflective practice is important, because effective teaching defies any set of 'rules for practice.' There is no formula for success. Rather, we work in 'indeterminate zones of practice' (Schon, 1987), where uncertainty, ambiguity and uniqueness are key constants in the teacher's world." (pg. 33)

I think that a lot of people have tried to figure out "the formula for success". The problem with this attempt, however, is that it cannot exist because the formula will be different for each person. What may work for one person, may not work for another person. This is why teachers cannot create a formula for success and expect every student to achieve the same results. Lessons and learning must be adapted, as practically as possible, to each student to maximize their learning and growth. There is no perfect formula that every student will be able to use. Instead there is tweaking and adjusting until every student has a chance to succeed.

3. "Environment will support or deter the student's quest for affirmation, contribution, power, purpose, and challenge in the classroom. Environment also will speak to the presence or absence of invitation and opportunity to each child individually and, ultimately, to the class as a whole. It will often be the first messenger of how learning will be in this place." (pg. 37)

Obviously the environment that teachers create in their classrooms is cruical to the success of the students. Creating a classroom environment that is inviting and positive will create a safe community in which all students can feel successful. Since the success of students is ultimately the goal of all teachers, then the environment of the classroom is an important aspect to consider when deciding upon one's own classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Success is a moving target as we define it for each student. Providing "just right" support is not an exact recipe.
