Thursday, September 9, 2010

Chapter One from Fulfilling the Promise of the Differentiated Classroom

1c. On page 12 of this reading assignment, Tomlinson says, “… the most effective teaching does not seek transmission of knowledge isolated from human need, but rather attempts to help young learners discover the power of knowledge to reveal, amplify, and develop the best that is in them.” What does this mean to you?

I believe that Tomlinson is suggesting to teachers that merely teaching students facts and lessons is not going to be beneficial to students. Teachers that strive to incorporate personal experiences of the students into their lessons will find a more teachable class. Students will learn more and remember more if they are able to make connections to the new information that the teacher is presenting. If the teacher can also explain how the knowledge will be beneficial to the students in the real world, and show them how it effects them personally, the students will be more successful in learning the material.

1 comment:

  1. Connections to the past and to the future are powerful tools for teaching.
